JOIN THE CTL CIRCLEWHAT IS THE CTL CIRCLE?CTL’s MONTHLY GIVING community that gives YOU a tangible way to be a part of the movement and culture of giving that CTL is all about. We invite you to partner with us to engage, equip, and empower young leaders for Hawaii through the CTL Circle. WHY GIVE?Because you care about Hawaii and its future. CTL is on the ground and ACTUALLY doing the work required to engage, equip, and empower our young people from ALL COMMUNITIES across our AMAZING state to be the leaders that Hawaii NEEDS! We’re working with future leaders in government, business, non-profit, education, entrepreneurship, the list goes on and on! |
Give Monthly and Be Apart of The CTL Circle Make A One Time Donation
Levels Of Giving:

Give Monthly and Be A part of The CTL Circle Make A One-Time Donation
Prefer to mail in your donation?
Please send your check to:
Center for Tomorrow's Leaders
874 Dillingham Boulevard #72A-116 Honolulu, HI 96817
Email us at ctl@ctlhawaii.org
Make check payable to Center for Tomorrow's Leaders and note CTL Circle in the memo section.

Mahalo to our CTL Circle Community Givers!
AJ Halagao Aileen Gravelle Alex Harris Alika Cosner Amber Kim Andy Kazama Andrea Betancourt Anna Gonzales Ann Kutaka Ashley Pierce April Nakamura Bobby Adams Brandon Kamigaki Brandon Bera Briana Tomlin Bryn Witthans Burt & Catherine Chang Caroline Thomas Charlene Young Chela Sheets Cheri Souza Charles Kaneshiro Christine Oviedo Clarenz Ringor Colbert Seto Cynthia Kitagawa Dawn Wong Dean Ramos Dean Yoshida Dennis Dumlao Diane Stephens Donna Hayashi Donalyn Dela Cruz Dural Duenas Edith Ignacio Neumiller Efren Ramelb Egan Tasaki Emily Oshima Lee Elise Hishinuma Evan Leong Faith Christy Soliven Faith Duenas Francis & Caroline Oda Gary Akina Gavin Shiraishi Genevieve Akin | Glory Yoshida Gordon Gates Grant Fukuda Hailey Fleming Haley Chibana Hollie Rader Ian Tsang India Ching Jade Butay Jaime Oliveira Janna Hoshide Janella Hung Janice Matsumoto Jean-Paul Gedeon Jenn Kim Jeannie Lum Jennifer Kumura Jennifer Oyer Jeri Velasco Jessica Chan Jessica Kawamura Jessica Casson Jo Kamae Byrne Josh Reppun Joy Yoshida Joey Nakamoto Julie Li Julia Okinaka K. Fujita Kalehua Kaiawe Kanani Imai Katie Chang Karen Birkett Karla Takazono Karli Young Kelsy Forslund Kenneth Hiraki Kenneth Go Kendrick Go Kent Coules Kelli Sunabe Kevin Luoma Kelly Zheng Kent Valdez Kylee Chang | Kyle Chang Kyle Unebasami Lance & Natalie Kakimoto Lahela Manning Leyton Torda Laura Essenberg Laura Hankins Leah Cabaungan Leslie Malasa Lester Supapo Liane Voss Lindsay Chambers Liz Chun Lori Fukumae Lori Soma Lydia Mertyris Megan Tasaki Maiko Lau Margarette Martinson Marian Palacios Maricar Pilotin-Freitas Marissa Sutton Mark Monceballez Martin Nguyen Marie Kumabe Marites McKee Mary Stewart Mea Aloha Spady Melanie Meinken Melissa Newsham Melissa Adams Michael Sitch Michelle Chang Michelle Chapman Mikiala Lidstone Milani Pimental Monique Ibarra Myra Akina Nathan Yoshida Natasha Ueligitone Nicole Moon Noelani Lacanilau Nolan Kawano Paolo Clemente Peter Dames Philip Lemoine Phyllis Unebasami Pono Akina | Quin Ogawa Rachel Campbell Rebecca Carnate Reina Nacino Rhianna Chung Richard Kowen Robert Eubanks Roberto Delgado Ron Yoshida Rose Lakalaka Ryan Ramelb Ryan Masuno Sara Kobayashi Sarah Leatherby Sasha Kealalio Savannah Holloway-Ledo Sharlene Tsuda Shannon Cheng Sharon Brown Shaun Dela Calzada Shelly Carmona Sherri Okinaga Shea Takazono Shyla Fukushima Sidney Li Stephanie Chin Stephanie Wright Sue Yoshida Sunshine Kuhia Smith Tai Matsuoka Taylor Date Tiago Paiva Tiffany Chang Trisha Ramelb Trina Nakamura Trinette Kaui Trung Lam Van Trinh Vicky Ichihara-Gorman Wenona Harris William Yeh Windy Simmons Yolanda Ramelb Yunji de Nies Yvette Maskrey Zachary Lambe Zi Jun Liu |